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India is in Desperate Need of an All-Encompassing Public Healthcare

The topic of public healthcare is being vehemently discussed today, especially in the aftermath of a pandemic. The quality of public healthcare in a country like India is significantly dependent on the complex, geography-specific, system-driven processes, besides the motivation and urge of the public health caregivers. There is, therefore, immense scope and urgency for deploying smart technologies to take care of the human intervention part, especially in the context of public healthcare. All these years, one of the challenges in providing patient care through public health care systems has been related to furnishing appropriate medical history and health records. The conventional public health care systems remain overloaded with maintaining large paperwork manually, and this is where AI-powered data management and storage can come to the rescue. The data storage challenges of public hospitals and healthcare centers can be effectively reduced by AI-powered cloud computing that ca...

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