India is in Desperate Need of an All-Encompassing Public Healthcare

The topic of public healthcare is being vehemently discussed today, especially in the aftermath of a pandemic. The quality of public healthcare in a country like India is significantly dependent on the complex, geography-specific, system-driven processes, besides the motivation and urge of the public health caregivers. There is, therefore, immense scope and urgency for deploying smart technologies to take care of the human intervention part, especially in the context of public healthcare.

All these years, one of the challenges in providing patient care through public health care systems has been related to furnishing appropriate medical history and health records. The conventional public health care systems remain overloaded with maintaining large paperwork manually, and this is where AI-powered data management and storage can come to the rescue. The data storage challenges of public hospitals and healthcare centers can be effectively reduced by AI-powered cloud computing that can make the availability of patient data seamless across multiple healthcare centers and hospitals.

Many patients do not have access to multiple screenings. The public healthcare systems, on the other hand, do not have the bandwidth and resources for repeated screenings. AI can suitably help in this regard as it eliminates the need for actual experts for screenings with futuristic tools that also have a proven accuracy rate better than humans.

Patient participation and awareness have been a challenge in driving successful public healthcare campaigns. In remote geographical locations where medical care and the importance of health are often ignored, especially in the overlooked population clusters such as women, people below the poverty line, or infants, ensuring that patients regularly attend healthcare check-ups and diligently continue treatments remains a task. Again, smart technologies like Ai can help improve the same by predictive analysis.

AI-powered tools can help in detecting gaps by behavioral analysis, history of treatment to identify populations that might drop out of treatments for various reasons. This can further help the healthcare givers in extending additional counseling through awareness camps to ensure patients turn up for regular treatment at various health programs as per expectation.

Public health initiatives can receive a further boost with the data generated from smart health initiatives. Also, identifying public health issues, assessing risks of pandemics and epidemics, facilitating better decision-making and proactive care become a lot easier and efficient if suitable data is readily available.

The pandemic has been an eye-opener for the healthcare sector in India. This has underlined the urgency for introducing an all-encompassing public healthcare system.



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